Individual Licenses
Tutors, individual teachers, and parents, if you want to buy this product and use it with your own students, you are on the right page. Be sure to click the link that gives you the resource formatted to the paper size you use.
If your school or organization wants to purchase multiple copies then go to the Schools Page.
We are providing two different paper sizes so that people all over the world can access this work. Be sure to choose between the A4 (most of the world) and the US Letter (USA and Canada) options depending on your location.
If you would like to purchase more than one product, please select one, add it to your shopping cart, then press CONTINUE SHOPPING to return to this page.
Purchase Options details
The Getting Started Workshop
This is a perfect way to get started! The Getting Started with The hfw Project Workshop will walk you through a better way to study high frequency words with your students. The aim is to help you access your resources and it's available on demand so you can watch the recording as suits your time. The link and password are included in your purchase.
The Teacher Guidebook
Section 1 - High Frequency Words: The what and the why contains background information about high frequency words and English orthography.
Section 2 - High Frequency Words: A teaching plan contains information about implementing this with your students.
The Guidebook and Study Booklet #1 are one downloadable resource which you can then separate into two books and bind or put into a folder as you choose.
The Study Booklets
offer reproducible pages to use with your students. Each booklet includes
20 words to study with integrated handwriting practice
Review pages
Teacher assessment pages
The Answer Key
Card sets
Study Booklets #1-5
The Word List Compendium
This additional resource contains over 30 word lists so that you can organize your lessons flexibly and easily. The full 100-word lists are included along with groupings by phonological, orthographic, morphological, etymological, and grammatical patterns.
The Assessment Pack
Our reading, spelling, and "deep dive" assessments come with detailed teacher instructions and student recording sheets (both paper and digital), so you can gather the data you need to inform your instruction. Also included is a Data Collection Google Sheet that will auto-populate for full class data analysis.
We are offering the convenience of this .pdf format so that you may print copies of the study booklet sheets as many times as needed to serve your students. That's right - you have permission to use these resources for all of the students you teach.
*Note: our purchasing platform is a bit finicky about security. For most people it will download directly. For some you will need to find the email you receive with a download link, click it and it returns you to the same place but will then download. So please check your email if you have trouble with the initial confirmation screen.
Please note, we will never sell or share your information with any 3rd Party.